About Our Founder: Roman Neizvetsny

Physical activity has been a constant presence throughout Roman’s life. Following a 25-year career as a proud member in Law Enforcement and Defence around the world, Roman decided it was time for a career change, and found his passion in teaching and sport. With that, Little Montessori Sports was developed in 2018 and soon after, implemented into Wyndham Vale Montessori Centre. The program provides an original Montessori approach using physical education as a catalyst for learning and development.

Since then, the program has been continually reviewed and improved to ensure the greatest outcomes for all participants. Before founding Little Montessori Sports, Roman completed a Certificate III in Children Services, followed by his completion of the Assistant Montessori course through Association Montessori Internationale (AMI). Additionally, Roman has completed his Diploma of children’s services and the Montessori sport coaching course. 

These valuable courses have allowed Roman to fully understand child development, and incorporate that with the Montessori Philosophy. Roman has also completed other various sport programs and professional development workshops to ensure that the Little Montessori Sports program is to the highest standard possible. Roman continues to take part in professional development courses to ensure the Little Montessori Sports program is relevant, up-to-date, and constantly improved.

Currently, Little Montessori Sports program has become a valuable addition to the Wyndham Vale Montessori Centre and is loved and enjoyed by the children, staff and parents alike.

About Montessori Sports

The Little Montessori Sports Program is based on the Montessori Philosophy of child learning and development and was founded in 2018. The aim of the program is to merge the learning of sports with other important subjects such as math, geometry, critical thinking, pattern recognition, and much more. Additionally, in a time when children are spending more and more time on screens, the program focuses on instilling positive thinking and good exercise habits in order for children to spend more time in sports instead of on technology. We do this by using fun and educational games and activities so that the children develop a life-long love of sports and learning.

Other important aspects of the program seek to instil teamwork skills through certain games where children have to help their friends succeed in the game. These teamwork skills are certainly lifelong, as children who help others in sports, will undoubtedly help everywhere else too. Further, students in our program develop a broad range of skills covering a vast number of sports including soccer, basketball, hockey, targeting games, hula-hoops, agility exercises, drums (with number exercises), parachute (with quick-thinking, math, and geometry questions), as well as many more!

Another important aspect of our Little Montessori Sports program is the allocation of a child as the ‘student helper’ at the start of some of the lessons where this would be enjoyable and beneficial for everyone. This student helper aids in running the lesson, which encourages vital skills in teamwork and leadership, as well as enhancing development in their self-esteem, and simultaneously gaining confidence and knowledge to lead the lesson.

Our program is for ages 2-6; including for special needs children. All of these activities help the child have an easy and smooth transition to primary school as they will have developed many fundamental skills in sport, communication, emotional development, and even leadership.

Why is sport so valuable for children?

The effects of obesity and a sedentary lifestyle are a major health issue in Australian society and across the world. Being inactive can lead to weight gain, weight-related illness, depression, poor sleep and even poor learning outcomes, to name a few.

The benefits of physical activity are widely acknowledged and include:

•  Improved heart and lung function
•  Stronger bones, muscles and joints
•  Improve coordination, posture and flexibility
•  Enhances thinking, learning, and judgment skills
•  Reduces feelings of depression and anxiety
•  Aids in healthy weight management
•  Enhances the overall healthy growth and development in young people

In addition, physical activity in children can promote: 

           •  Improved overall fitness
           •  Strength and stamina
           •  Increased concentration
           •  Better sleeping patterns
           •  Happier emotional wellbeing
           •  Improve the development of motor skills.

Finally, the variety of skills developed in these early years will allow children to have a strong base so that they will easily be able to pick up different sports later in life.

Exercise is beneficial to children in so many more ways!

Exercise can help to advance all aspects of a child’s wellbeing and development, including:

• Social Development – In the Little Montessori Sports program, the children are given the opportunity to socialise with their peers and have the opportunity to be allocated the ‘student helper’ for a lesson. This offers children the chance to develop their communication skills, as well as building on their skills to maintain relationships with others.

• Mental & Emotional Development – The Little Montessori Sports program utilises exercise to improve and develop a child’s cognitive skills as well as their sense of well-being, self-worth, and self-esteem.

• Development of Physical Abilities: Activities in the Little Montessori Sports program also enhance children’s gross-motor skills and fine-motor skills. Gross-motor skills come from the use of larger muscle groups to achieve larger movements. These movements often require a little less detail and a little more power, such as: running, jumping, throwing, climbing, kicking and skipping. Fine-motor skills focus on small and intricate motions that require a lot of control and accuracy. These movement improve the hand and eye coordination of the child, such as: hitting a ball with a bat, aiming and throwing a ball at a target, throwing rings onto a peg, using arms to swing, or the grasping strength when holding a ball will allow children to have a strong base so that they will easily be able to pick up different sports later in life.